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Business Development Officer

1.Develop linkages and build relationships with various ARMY partners seeking their support on the ARMY fund obtaining FAN CLUB ARMY membership opportunities for the Core Members tasks/responsibilities.
2. Develop positive relationships with different ARMY group members from different facebook group.
3. Supporting ARMYs to seek internship and job opportunities for the Core Members’ Team.
4. Follow up on ARMYs’ engagement while both at attachment and to Fan Club membership in facebook/website chats.
5. Set up meetings between various admin of facebook page/organizations for potential project collaborations.
6. Conduct membership satisfaction studies from time to time (at least once a year) to get feedback from ARMYs.
7. Identify diverse service opportunities for website ARMY pages and work with ARMY members to access these services.
8. Visit BTS Fan Club Mentorship group and collect ARMY progress and membership inquiries of the Mentorship program and file them appropriately to be sent to Founder when the need arises.
9. Collaborates with Founder and Co-Founder


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